Crystal & Gemstone Meanings

Crystals, Healing & Journeying Back To You...

  • Fire Agate

    April 23 2023 – Joshua Levi Rasen

    Fire Agate

    Having a fire agate in our lives brings about the manifestation of Divine Guidance in our actions; assisting us in taking decisive actions despite unclear circumstances.  It helps us recognize the 'Truths' in our habits while bringing about the necessary destruction in our lives. Though the process of letting go parts of ourselves can be a scary journey, it begins...

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  • Apatite

    November 23 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen


    If you find yourself constantly attracted to this stone, chances are is that you have a beautiful dream in the fore front of your mind; and by this we don't mean 'personal related' dreams such a holiday goals, a new house, car etc. We mean the kind of dreams that has the potential to make an impact; the kind that...

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  • Sodalite

    October 17 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen


    Being called to this stone means that we are being given the power to search, serve and to inspire. It means that Life has chosen us to be a messenger; a keeper wisdom and a teacher of love. It shows us that the reason our lives were falling apart, was not to punish or harm us, but to give us...

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