December 02 2021 – Joshua Levi Rasen

The Untold Story Behind Our 'Intentions' Collection & How It Can Help
Over the past 8 years of being in business, we've always pondered over one question with no avail, "Why do we exist?"
A Strange Encounter
Many years ago back in 2016, we had an encounter with a lady who visited our shop in Gurney Plaza, who asked a question which continued to linger in our heads. She looked at our products and asked, "If the world is recovering from a global catastrophe, how would your profession be useful?"
At the time, I was taken aback by her question and by the manner in which she asked, as it sounded as if she thought our job was unimportant. However we said nothing and just smiled and said that we would heal the world through art; as that was the only thing we could think of at that moment in time...
However, after she left, her question haunted me for months and months as I started to ask myself the same exact question; "How can we be of use if the world is recovering from a disaster?"
This question resonated so much with what CG and I always pondered upon when we had meetings with one another. It hit the very core of us, "Why do we exist?"
For years we would revisit this question over and over again without an answer; trusting that life and God will reveal to us our true purpose as we move along. Covid19 taught us that our lives could change in an instant. The difference between chasing dreams and fighting for survival is a single moment; that's all it is...
Finding Our Calling
However as the saying goes, "All stars are born in the darkness," and so was the case for us. 3 months ago, we felt that we may have discovered our true calling for the first time in our lives. However, based on experience, we know that we can never be certain at how life unfolds for us. As we look back at how our lives took such a massive turn in the past 3 decades, the only thing I am sure of is that we simply cannot comprehend what God or the Universe has in store for us.
As Oprah said, "Our real work is to find out where our power is. It's to find out our true gift, our purpose; to find out why we exist and how can we be of service to the world?"
That has been the one question that we were always longing to discover. We believed that by doing what we do each day, God will slowly reveal our calling to us; that Life knew what was best and that all we needed to do was to trust in life and take a leap of faith...
We knew that the only way we could walk in the path that the Universe has set for us, is to surrender ourselves completely to the power that is greater than us. It's to release all dreams, hopes and aspirations, in preparation to serve our higher purpose.
CG and I made a promise that no matter what we do, there will always be 2 constant narratives to guide our actions.
1) Firstly, we vowed to never hurt anyone or anything that crossed our way for our own benefit.
2) Secondly, we will always follow the path or 'Love' and 'Giving' in making our daily choices; and from this space, we will take the 'Next Best Move'.
How We Have Evolved In 9 Years Since The Inception of The Company
Using that as our guiding force, what began as a simple jewelry making company gradually grew into a community centric business.
We evolved from making antique brass pieces inspired by stories to customizing friendships bands made out of string, to lava rock bracelets, to a massive collection of gems, to creating fully customised accesories, to learning the mysteries and history behinds these stones, to exploring the powers of crystal healing, to experimenting with crystal science, to guiding others in turning their dreams into reality, overcoming fear, solving relationship problems, dealing with adversity and overcoming mental and emotional instability...
Life literally took us on a journey that began with nothing but personal goals, to one that could serve the world for the better; and it wasn't until 3 months ago that we realised we had everything that we needed to "Inspire others to regain control over their Mind, Body, Energies and Emotions".
Discovering How We Could Serve The World With Nothing, Yet Everything To Give
Our journey to this question stemmed from the rises and failures that we faced during the past 2 years of the Pandemic. Life literally gave us one of our biggest dreams, only to put a stop to it which took almost everything away from us. It was easily the most difficult period in our life thus far.
Throughout the years, we've always served by giving people what we had; be it money, food, products or emotional support; however being in a situation where we were in need of all those, we asked ourselves one crucial question, "How can we serve right now even when we have nothing left to give?"
As we looked at how depression, anxiety and stress began to claim the lives prematurely of so many out there, we looked at our little Orion and said, "We need to solve this! We cannot leave this world without figuring a way out! We just can't!"
As we looked back at everything that we currently had, we realised that we still have more than we needed in order to give back to the world. We had a powerful tool in crystals which was abundant in stock, and we had the wisdom and experience in overcoming difficult situations, setbacks and failures throughout the years to share with the world.
We finally knew how "We Could Serve" the world; how we could be of service to all of you...
Throughout the years, our goal was to use crystals as a tool for healing; a tool to elevate others from pain and suffering into a state of bliss. However for some odd reason, we've never spoken much about this. We've always communicated it on a personal level, but rarely on a macro. However in both our eyes, it is always about healing and higher consciousness.
It's funny how life takes us on a journey of twists and turns just to discover something we already had; like the journey of a seed.
A seed has to fight and toil its way through the dirt; extracting the necessary minerals it needs from the dirt in order to grow. As it breaks out from the ground for the first time, it is met by bigger trees, animals and bugs that can't wait to feast on it. However, because of what it learnt in the dirt, that seed will survive and become a tree.
Just like the seed, we too were thrown into the dirt to fight and toil; extracting all the necessary strength & wisdom from the challenges we've faced in order to blossom into tree. With this, we would like to announce the launching of a special collection that is very close to both our hearts called, 'Intentions'.
What Is The 'Intentions' Collection About?
Intentions are basically creations made with a specific intention held in our thoughts during the designing & creative process. Think of 'Intentions' like a GPS for a car. By setting your destination on the GPS, it takes you through the fastest route in order to get to the destination; same goes to the stones. By intentionally setting 'Intentions', you are pointing your crystals at a particular purpose or goal to have it manifest in your life quicker than usual. However the magic of this collection doesn't stop here.
Tagged: Intentions, Service