100% of all profits will go to our #CovidHeroesMY fund to help increase the immune systems of those battling the war in the frontlines...
What is WTF's #CovidHeroesMY campaign about?
With the recent outbreak of the covid19 pandemic, our goal is to collaborate with all of you to reach out to as many nurses, doctors, volunteers and front-liners as we can in hopes of gifting our unsung heroes with a handmade necklace that holds a powerful vibrational protective force that is meant to boost the immune systems and fight lung infections by heightening the energy centres of the user..
Our #CovidHeroes necklace are made out from the powerful healing properties and minerals of natural Jaspers and Lapis Lazuli; which are carefully curated and handmade with extra thought, care and a huge dose of love...
With every necklace gifted, a wishing card with your voice will be written by us on your behalf to add a dose of encouragement, strength and love in hopes of lifting their spirits and letting them know that all of us are rooting and praying for their safe return...
How can I be a part of this campaign?
One of the ways that you could be a part of this project is by purchasing a piece for yourself or as a gift to someone; which we will then use the profits gathered from your purchase to fund the production of more #CovidHeroes necklaces; or you could simply contribute by purchasing a necklace to be donated on your behalf...
Apart from this, you could also share your voice and be apart of our WTF Community by writing a message for the necklaces that would be donated as a gift to the frontliners. This campaign will take place on Instagram, Tik Tok and Facebook starting Monday 13th of April in the comments section of an official post that will be titled "WTF #CovidHeroesMY" . For those of you who would like your friends or families to contribute a message for this project, please feel free to share it as many times over. It would really mean the world to them and to us too...
How many necklaces have we donated so far?
As this phrase being written, it is the 12th April 2020 / 4:45am GMT+8. Up to date, we have made about 150 necklaces worth at slightly over MYR5,200.00 and a bracelet worth about MYR200 which will be donated to the Penang General Hospital Emergency Covid Unit to kick start this campaign as a small way of saying thank you for all they have done so that we can continue to hope for a better tomorrow...
Our plan is to reach out to as many hospitals as we can across the planet, beginning with Malaysia, and moving on to the rest of the world. We believe that by working with all of you to make this happen, either through purchases or a note, we may be able to lift their spirits up a little, to encourage them a little more, and to keep them knowing that we are all praying for their safety and wellbeing; and hopefully in the process, we may return that tiny ray of 'Hope' that they have given us...