June 22 2023 – Joshua Levi Rasen


Summary of properties :
A stone of Acceptance, Love, Versatility, Self-confidence, Supreme nurturer, Self-worth, Vitality, Courage, Strength, Adventure, Passion, Grounding, Soothing, Stress relief, Honesty, Concentration, Intuition, Deeper connection, Learning from pain, Growth, Overcoming procrastination, Revealing the reason for avoiding task, Motivation, Amplifying instincts, Eases distraction, Ageless thinking
Nicknamed the Autumn Stone
Helps in Immune system, Counter ageing, Digestive system, Blood purification, Blood sugar, Healing cuts, Balances mineral contents in body, Helps ease pregnancy, Tissue restoration for deterioration of the internal organs
Why Am I Attracted To This Stone?
Coming Soon
How Can This Stone Help Me?
Physically :
Coming soon
Mentally :
Coming Soon
Emotionally :
Coming Soon
Spiritually :
Coming soon
Chakras : Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus
Origin : Mooka Creek, Australia
Element : Earth
Zodiac : Capricorn, Aries, Cancer, Scorpio
Birthstone : Coming Soon
Mineral Description :
- Chemical composition: SiO2
Wisdom From This Stone :
Coming Soon
Summary :
"Being called to this stone means we are being called to 'Accept, Release and Grow' from the pain surrounding our circumstances. It means that life is giving us a chance to see the beauty in the present; a chance to change our perspective on the way we perceive pain; and to use it for the betterment of our personal growth.
It means that mother nature is reminding us of Her presence; of her magnificence and perfection in our lives; and to 'Know' that we are not alone, and that every turn in life has a purpose in the 'Grand Design'.
Meditation :
Coming Soon
History, Myths & Legends :
Coming Soon
Tagged: abundance, acceptance, autumn, deeper connection, grounding, love, mookaite, nurturing, passion, root chakra, sacral, solar plexus, stress relief, versatility