Crystal & Gemstone Meanings

Crystals, Healing & Journeying Back To You...

  • Apatite

    November 23 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen


    If you find yourself constantly attracted to this stone, chances are is that you have a beautiful dream in the fore front of your mind; and by this we don't mean 'personal related' dreams such a holiday goals, a new house, car etc. We mean the kind of dreams that has the potential to make an impact; the kind that...

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  • Tiger's Eye

    October 16 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen

    Tiger's Eye

    Being drawn to this stone often means that we are searching for a deeper connection with ourselves; making willpower, clarity and confidence a priority in our lives.

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  • Kyanite

    October 04 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen


    This stone unblocks your chakras, awakens your spirit and expands your  awareness; bringing about greater confidence, clarity and connection with ourselves...

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