Crystal & Gemstone Meanings

Crystals, Healing & Journeying Back To You...

  • Malachite

    June 22 2023 – Joshua Levi Rasen


    "Being called to this stone means we are being called to 'BE' the source of God's presence in the life of another. It means that our pain, our sufferings and our wounds are not meant solely for us, but for the one after you; Because when we heal, we heal for two people; one is 'You', and the other is the...

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  • Natural Volcanic Lava Rock

    January 02 2023 – Joshua Levi Rasen

    Natural Volcanic Lava Rock

    If you are drawn to this stone, it means that Mother Nature is calling you to reconnect with the light inside of you. She's calling you to be open to give and receive. She is 'shaping' you through your sturggles, while teaching you that the most beautiful of creations always comes from the most violent of destructions.

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  • Tektite (Meteorite)

    November 23 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen

    Tektite (Meteorite)

    It's high time for your awakening, high time for connecting and its high time for you to shine. So let go of all limiting beliefs and just follow the voice inside...

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  • Chrysocolla

    October 17 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen


    A stone of Forgiveness, communication and harmony, this powerful stone is known for its ability to help us express our hearts and our wisdom selflessly; empowering those around us through the gift of 'Giving'...

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  • Sodalite

    October 17 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen


    Being called to this stone means that we are being given the power to search, serve and to inspire. It means that Life has chosen us to be a messenger; a keeper wisdom and a teacher of love. It shows us that the reason our lives were falling apart, was not to punish or harm us, but to give us...

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  • Clear Quartz

    October 08 2022 – Joshua Levi Rasen

    Clear Quartz

    The stone of new beginnings. If you're drawn to this stone, it simply means that you are ready to cleanse yourself and let go of the old; in order to start anew again...

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