October 20 2020 – Joshua Levi Rasen

WTF Launches Artist Aid As Part Of #StayDifferentStayReal Mission
"Art is about keeping the child in you alive..."
What a year 2020 has been for all of us...
In a cruel kind of way, this year has blessed us with sooooo much of fun, excitement and happiness. Though many of us suffered loss in 2020; be it in terms of work, livelihoods or worst, the loss of a friend or a loved one; it is also a year that has brought forth the biggest shift in human behaviour...
For the first time, we are starting to realise that we can't survive without one another. We are starting to see that the only way up in uncertain times is through forgiveness, humility and compassion...
We are starting to witness on a global scale that the only way of survival as a species is by helping each other stay afloat; by helping each other stay in love with their craft. The two factors that drives humanity in taking massive action that is capable of creating lasting change is either through the divine forces of inspiration or desperation; and 2020 has done just that; forcing us to rely on one another; connecting on levels we have never done before; bringing to life the birth of a new era...
...and the birth of our first child come this month end...*feeling loved*
To end 2020 on a high, we have decided to launch a program to aid artists from all over the world to watch their creation come alive on our merchandizes...
To kick off this program, we are hosting a competition for the best art work to be featured on our Official Tees for our year end Collection...
The rules are simple!
1) Create a concept art according to the theme provided
2) Email us your Artwork/Drawing with your Instagram handle (@name) and tell us the meaning of your creation.
3) Share It On Instagram
4) Tag us @WTFBracelet + Hashtag #StayDifferentStayReal #WTFArtistAid
...and don't forget to keep your profile public for us to trace the tag...
Contest ends on : 7th November 2020
Winner for each category will get their artwork printed and featured on our Limited Edition Tee; with the artist credited in WTF's official brand shirt tag...
Winner for each category will also receive RM10 in royalties for every Limited Tee sold online and in stores Worldwide; while having their story covered via our social medias, blogs and through live mediums as part of our #StayDifferentStayReal mission to inspire others, that are looking for that tiny spark to keep their dreams alive...
Our wish is that through this campaign, we will be able to keep the hopes and dreams of those who are struggling alive, by helping out in any way that we can to keep them creating; just like how we have been given a second chance by all of you to keep doing what we do...
And to spread warmth during the season of giving, WTF will also be donating part of it's profits from every shirt sold to clothe the naked and the cold; bringing comfort, warmth and love all over the world through your heart-warming support...
Here are the themes for participation...
We wish you the best of luck and keep inspiring the world with your gift...
Stay different; stay real; and above all, stay you...
God speed...
Theme 1:
Recreate the 'WTF Classic T'
Current Design:
Theme 2:
'Stay Different, Stay Real' theme
Design Meaning:
We believe that by embracing our true nature, we have the ability to shake the world in a gentle way; paving the way for all those who are seeking; to believe in the power that they can become; and to do that by staying true to ourselves; because the only way to stay different, is to stay real; and the only way to stay real, is to be different...
Tips: Express your inner child in this concept art design freely. Ask yourselves, "What makes you different?"
Theme 3:
Winter Series: Snowflakes
Design Meaning:
A simple reminder that we are all unique and different in our own way...
Theme 4:
Design Meaning:
Create a thought provoking concept art that is centered around a simple random act of kindness; the act of 'Giving' without receiving...
Tagged: Artist, Limited Tee, Stay Different Stay Real, WTF Artist Aid
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